Today, we reduce our fears, our traumas, by what means?
I will not open to only the individual. To only the task before me. To only what I see outside around me.
I will open past the unjust ideas. I will open until I see nothing with normal sight. And then I will ask that my senses be cleared; my throat, my eyes. That I may drink deeply of the Whole Good, and be made in its Cast and brought forward into Act. Only then.
I will ask for this daily, as a human. For I will threaten it with my human mind, until I make this mind honest. It must have the Intelligence gifted beyond my senses. From beyond the populace. From where I and each Begins. This is more than saying I believe in the Way choosing to come through me. I must also rely on a Code that I, in this intelligence/consciousness, begin as. It is more than genes. It is something of God finding a way to move, to utter, to bring God to God, and make it all come through the meandering mind. And change that mind; refresh that mind to be less self-focusing.