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A N  N  A  M


“The Lord God has given me

   a well-trained tongue

that I might know how to speak to the weary

    a word that will rouse them.

Morning after morning

    he opens my ear that I may hear;

and I have not rebelled,

    have not turned back.

(Isaiah 50: 4-5)

Annam (ah.nahm) .... an honorific

 - undifferentiated soul (Celtic)

 - nourishment (Sanskrit
- gift (Arabic)


Age 8: experienced being Met and Integrated into God.
There is no backing off of this integration.
In this undivided awareness, the Gate of Reality stays open.

The offering:
Alignment and integration with your natural wellness and wisdom.
This is mastery training. Not for the timid, nor the lazy.




—(P. Halstead, social justice advocate)
"I can say from personal experience that Annam (Elle's) teaching is accurate, clean, and fast paced. The student, if attentive, will be able to become at-one in Love, the All That Is.
For those who want to finish what they started with other teachers, this is final stage. This work is not for the dabbler. This is the end of seeking, where one's perception opens to Unity.
I highly recommend Elle (Annam) as a great teacher."

2121 Reed Road   •   Hood River OR 97031   •   541.387.5554

© 2025 Annam Elle Re

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